Located in the southwest parking lot of Southland Church, the Distribution Centre was designed to gather donations of food, clothing, and furniture for those in need within our church and community.
Community Impact

Clothing Closet
Our Mission Statement: To proclaim the love of God to those in need, by providing clothing free of charge, with the dignity and respect deserving of all image-bearers of Christ.
Applications are available at church office during office hours: Monday – Friday 8:45am – 4:30pm.
Donations of clothes can be dropped off at the Distribution Centre. Please see details below.

Pick Up and Walk
Pick Up and Walk is a ministry where churches and businesses all around our community join together to clean up our city and surrounding area. Through the donations of trucks, volunteer time, and of course the hot dog lunch our community is able to clean up literal tons of trash each year.

Distribution Centre
The Distribution Centre is open for donations in the door labelled ‘Donation Drop-off’. 6:00AM to 9:00PM | 7 days a week
Items We Accept & Donate:
- Mattresses
- Dressers/Chest of Drawers
- Blankets/Sheets
- Towels
- Couches
- Dining Room Table/Chairs
- All clothing, shoes and jackets that are in reasonable condition
- Dry goods (Not Expired)
- Frozen food
- Baby and children’s toys such as bouncer seats, exer-saucers, baby swings (not stuffed animals)
Thanksgiving Food and Clothing Drive - 2024
People Received Help
Hampers Given Out
Bibles Given Away
How can we help?
If you need help, fill out the form below