We were never meant to do life alone.

We have Small Groups available for all ages and seasons of life.
Small groups are more than just a social club or a Bible study, they’re about the family of God loving and supporting each other, pursuing God and growing in faith together. If you are interested in joining a group or would like to inquire for more information, fill out the form below!
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Small Group Leader Resources

70X7 Finding Peace by Forgiving Others and Yourself
In his creative, story-driven, highly motivating style, Bruce Wilkinson reveals from the Words of Jesus Christ how you can find the freedom and peace your heart longs for.

Holy Spirit Series
This 6-week study is based on the Holy Spirit message series from 2021. This is a foundational series on understanding the Holy Spirit and how it applies to our personal lives and church.
- Divine Seed King
- Jesus Christ, Anointed One
- Jesus Lived & Ministered from His Human Nature
- The New Covenant & Pentecost
- Baptism & Filling of the Holy Spirit
- Filling of the Spirit & Making Disciples
Sermon Notes

Beatitudes - Characteristics of God's Kingdom
This 3-week study is based on Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount from the book of Matthew. The content includes practical teachings regarding the spiritual implications of the rule of Jesus in our lives, when we make Him Lord.

God and Money - Biblical Principles of Personal Finance
This 5-week study on finances includes teaching on financial freedom, financial integrity, financial faithfulness, tithing, and giving God’s way.

Habakkuk - Trusting a Sovereign God
This 3-week study goes through the Book of Habakkuk in the Old Testament. Although the prophet doesn’t fully understand, he trusts God’s sovereignty, wisdom, and justice and is reassured that God is in control.

Stewarding Our Time
This practical 3-week study is geared towards Young Adults, taking a look at why stewarding our time is important from a Biblical viewpoint. It Answers the practical question of “How?” based on the book Getting Things Done for Teens by David Allen.

James - Living out your Faith
This 5-week study is based on the book of James. The theme is living out your faith – to be doers of the Word, not just hearers. James’ readers were suffering persecution as well as social and spiritual conflict. They are encouraged to seek God’s wisdom and work out these problems.

Ruth - A Story of Redemption
The story of Ruth shows how God’s people can experience His Sovereignty, wisdom, and covenant kindness. It is a book of redemption from desperate conditions, resulting in blessing for Ruth and Naomi as well as for Israel, through the generational line leading to David and ultimately Jesus.

This 6-week study is based on the 7 I AM statements Jesus made in the Gospel of John. By making these statements, Jesus was revealing Himself to be God. These statements tell much about His character and heart. They tell us truth about doctrine and how to live rightly.

Be Missional
This is a 3-week series on living out the Great Commission in your community. All places are mission fields; reaching out to your community is for all believers. This study will help you find practical ways to be salt and light in your community.

Spiritual Warfare
This is a 4-week study on the armor of God in Ephesians 6. We are in a spiritual battle against a strong enemy, but the Lord has equipped believers to fight this supernatural war. We must not rely on our own power, but fight using the heavenly strategies God has given to His children.

Eternal Rewards
This is an 8-week topical Bible Study on eternal rewards, a topic Jesus taught often. This subject is important because having an eternal mindset motivates us to walk with Jesus, obey Him, and bear fruit in our lives.

This is a 4-week Bible Study on the book of Philippians. The theme is JOY! Philippians is filled with encouragement to grow in ones commitment to God, and teaches how to serve God and one another, emphasizing prayer as an essential element.

Book Study Guide
This is a guide to help individuals or small groups to go through a Book Study, including a list of staff-recommended books for those who are unsure of what book to study.

Past ABIDE Journals are available for a reduced price of $2 a book. You can purchase copies at Southland’s main office.
Start a Small Group
Complete the form below if you wish to inquire about starting your own Small Group.